Yesterday's News
June 2023: Our paper "Strategy inference during learning via cognitive activity-based credit assignment models" (with co-authors Ashwin James, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Francesca Sargolini, Ingrid Bethus, and Alexandre Muzy) has been published in Scientific Reports.
July 2023: Our paper "How to fit transfer models to learning data: a segmentation/clustering approach" (with co-authors Thomas Laloë, Fabien Mathy, and Patricia Reynaud-Bouret) has been published in Behavior Research Methods.
May 2022: Our paper "Hold-out strategy for selecting learning models: application to categorization subjected to presentation orders" (with co-authors Thomas Laloë, Fabien Mathy, and Patricia Reynaud-Bouret) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
May 2022: Updated preprint for "Investigating interactions between types of order in categorization" (with co-authors Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Thomas Laloë, and Fabien Mathy).
June - July 2022: I attended the 2022 Sloan-NOMIS Summer School on Cognitive Foundations of Economic Behavior.
July 2022: Updated preprint for "How to fit transfer models to learning data: a segmentation/clustering approach" (with co-authors Thomas Laloë, Fabien Mathy, and Patricia Reynaud-Bouret).
September - October 2022: I presented a poster "A normalization mechanism in human multi-attribute choice" at the 20th Society for NeuroEconomics meeting.
December 2022: Our paper "Investigating interactions between types of order in categorization" (with co-authors Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Thomas Laloë, and Fabien Mathy) has been published in Scientific Reports!
May 2021: New working paper on "An order-dependent transfer model in categorization" (with co-authors Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Thomas Laloë, and Fabien Mathy).
May 2021: New working paper on "Hold-out strategy for selecting learning models: application to categorization subjected to presentation orders" (with co-authors Thomas Laloë, Fabien Mathy, and Patricia Reynaud-Bouret).
May - June 2021: I participated in the ISC 2021 Summer School Cognition & Climate.
June 2021: New working paper on "Investigating interactions between types of order in categorization" (with co-authors Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Thomas Laloë, and Fabien Mathy).
September 2021: I started my new adventure as a postdoc at Columbia University! I will join the Cognition and Decision Lab, where I will study human behavior in economic settings under the supervision of Michael Woodford.
December 2021: Our paper "An order-dependent transfer model in categorization" (with co-authors Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Thomas Laloë, and Fabien Mathy) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
May 2020: Our conference paper "Classification de patterns de catégorisation chez l'humain par deux modèles d'apprentissage" (with co-authors Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Thomas Laloë, and Fabien Mathy) has been published in the book collection "JDS 2020 : 52-ièmes journées de Statistique de la Société Française de Statistique (SFdS)".
December 2020: I successfully defended my thesis! Check out my manuscript and slides.