G. Mezzadri, T. Laloë, F. Mathy, P. Reynaud-Bouret (2023). How to fit transfer models to learning data: a segmentation/clustering approach. Behavior Research Methods. [doi] [hal] [pdf]
A. James, P. Reynaud-Bouret, G. Mezzadri, F. Sargolini, I. Bethus, A. Muzy (2023). Strategy inference during learning via cognitive activity-based credit assignment models. Scientific Reports, Volume 13, 9408. [doi]
G. Mezzadri, P. Reynaud-Bouret, T. Laloë, F. Mathy (2022). Investigating interactions between types of order in categorization. Scientific Reports, Volume 12, 21625. [doi] [hal] [pdf]
G. Mezzadri, T. Laloë, F. Mathy, P. Reynaud-Bouret (2022). Hold-out strategy for selecting learning models: application to categorization subjected to presentation orders. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Volume 109, 102691. [doi] [hal] [pdf]
G. Mezzadri, P. Reynaud-Bouret, T. Laloë, F. Mathy (2022). An order-dependent transfer model in categorization. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Volume 107, 102634. [doi] [hal] [pdf]
G. Mezzadri (2020). Statistical inference for categorization models and presentation order. PhD thesis, Université Côte d'Azur. [hal] [pdf]
G. Mezzadri, P. Reynaud-Bouret, T. Laloë, F. Mathy (2020). Classification de patterns de catégorisation chez l'humain par deux modèles d'apprentissage. Conference paper, JDS 2020 : 52-ièmes journées de Statistique de la Société Française de Statistique (pages 571-576). [hal] [pdf]
G. Mezzadri (2016). Some probabilistic models of neural action potentials and neural networks. Master thesis, Università di Pisa. [pdf]
G. Mezzadri (2012). Descrizione probabilistica delle reazioni chimiche (Probabilistic description of chemical reactions). Bachelor thesis, Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca. [pdf]
Preprints & Working Papers
J. Aubert, L. Köhler, L. Lehéricy, G. Mezzadri, P. Reynaud-Bouret (submitted, 2024). Learning how contextual bandits learn.
G. Mezzadri and M. Woodford (in preparation, 2024). Context effects in multi-attribute choice.